
Showing posts from 2017

Potato Leek Soup without the Leeks

Today we cook soup. I've never really enjoyed soup. It's either too watery and tastes like mushy vegetables, or it's too heavy and requires me to chew. I don't think soup should be chewed. Remember a few years ago when they came out with those soups in a can? On the go soup that you drank like a smoothy. Ugh, I shudder. My mom used to do that with soup. I cannot. So anyway, yesterday Jor and I enjoyed one of the most decadent eating days I've had in awhile. He's on fall break, so we celebrated with a walk through Shelby Park and lunch at Marché. I impulsively ordered the potato leek soup with fennel and thyme as a starter. It was just the teeniest bit chilly outside and our tromp through the marshlands made me feel like a soup was in order. Usually I regret these decisions, but Marché does rich French cuisine very well. We were not disappointed. Cut to today when Jor and I finally decided that something must be done with our twelve pounds of potatoes. He s...

May rains in New York

It's five months into the year already, and I've lost count of how many blog posts I'm backed up on. I figured I could just keep writing down bullet points of past entries, and I'd get to it sooner or later. Funny thing about "sooner or later" is that it's never actually either. So we begin again. I'm in New York. Brooklyn really. It's raining out. The streets are slick and shiny, and I've just returned from a two hour shopping excursion into the Financial District for some discount designer wear. After battling the invading Chinese (and French and Spanish... not Russian), I paid for my things and escaped.